Dram Herbal Bitters


Incredible, 100% natural, plant based bitters with no flavoring added at all (natural or otherwise). Handcrafted in Colorado.

Citrus—pair with Gin, Vodka, Tequila, Mezcal, juices, tea, sparkling water, cocktails, baked goods, sauces, smoothies, marinades etc.

Lavender Lemon—pair with Gin, Vodka, Tequila, Mescal, lemonade, homemade popsicles and juices, add a calming element to your daily tea ritual or enjoy with sparkling water.

Black Bitters—Deeply layered with bright notes of black cardamom, black tea, sweet black currants and a black pepper finish. Wonderful paired with gin, vodka, bourbon and whiskey, baked goods, spicy asian dishes, smoothies, citrus based drinks like Margaritas or lemonade, coconut milk based recipes or mix with unflavored sparkling water!

Palo Santo—Warming flavors of vanilla, exotic spice, fresh cut timber and a hint of smoke. Pair with Bourbon, Whiskey, Vodka, Tequila, Mezcal, add to you daily tea ritual or enjoy with sparkling water to create a mystical depth and flavor.

Check out Dram’s website for recipe ideas and flavor descriptions.

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Dram Apothecary hand crafts plant based beverages, bitters and switchels from top quality ingredients. Never any ‘natural’ or ‘un-atural’ flavors, everything in Dram comes from the real thing. Handmade in Colorado.

Fangst 4-Pack
Spiced Octopus in Olive Oil - Jose Gourmet
Smoked Herring - Wildfish Cannery
Small Mackerel in Olive Oil - Jose Gourmet
Mackerel w/ Roasted Garlic - Patagonia Provisions